The first picture is of my garden shed, which is stuffed full of all the bric a brac of our house, home and garden. I promise to get a shot of inside soon. But I'm quite proud of the organised chaos inside, there is so much inside, yet, I still manage to park and gain access to my Subway 1, for my commutes and leisure rides. In fact I think I'll go and take that shot now, won't be a moment.

Some mess eh? But the good news is I've just clicked on the image, and yes my reader(s), can get a magnified version if they want/need to. So some progress is being made slowly but surely, one day I hope to be as professional as you other bloggers out there. So be patient with me.
The picture below is of Elizabeth and my youngest son, Tierloch, that I took a couple of weeks ago, when we went for a walk along the canal at Resolven. They are stood on the cycle path I sometimes travel along.
Success! This shows the confined space I have to work in,
you can plainly see the Subway 1, in the bottom right hand
corner, and all the "vital household supplies," that Elizabeth and the boys, Keiron and Tierloch banish to the shed.
Here's one final shot for you to look at.
As you can see, a study of the shed door with various jackets hanging on it. These are my high viz jackets, essential now we're on winter time, pitch black when I leave in the mornings, and the same on the way home at night.
Talking about the shed, it's long been my goal to use it as my bicycle workshop, and storage area. Keeping all my cycle specific gear, as it grows is proving a nuisance for Elizabeth, so storage in the shed, is definitely the answer. However, as all of you can see, there's just no more room. Back in the summer, we bought a shed in kit form, that currently is stored in Tierloch's garage around the corner, we just haven't got round to laying a base for it, and erecting it, I'm not a good mechanic/engineer etc., I think I'm more of a thinker than doer. Still it's all waiting in the wings for these major leaps to be made. Time is the key, and who was it that said tempus fugit.
Hah! I thought I was the only one that had "shed problems" My shed is a 40' shipping container that does multiple duty as a storage building for household crap, bicycles, scooter, camping equipment, tool storage as well as serves for my workshop. Some wag a several years back quipped that all men would live in garage apartments if not for the women. What is pathetic in my case is we live on a 40 acre farm and have other buildings, but they are full too.
It seems we all fill the space we have. I am in the process of trying to get rid of stuff and downsize.
Space is at a premium, for all of us, in this global consumer society, we should all be downsizing, and recycling goods etc., we have too much. When I think about it, how did our parents, grandparents manage with so much less?
I KNOW what our problem is...we are pack rats. My in-laws that live on the farm with us were raised during the depression and were the children of poor dirt farmers. They had little to nothing growing up and learned to save every little thing. I am much the same way, save things that "might" be needed. ;-)
I have a pretty substantial pile of bikes that I have accumulated from the roadside ditches, and that people have given me. Most of them are the very low end Walmart bikes. But they get stripped down,with the bits and pieces either reused or sent to the recyclers. Best part of it? A WM mountain bike with an aluminum frame is worth a good $10-$14 for the scrap aluminum value. :-D
That's a big plus for recycling
2whls3spds, being able to make a few dollars out of old bike frames. It's amazing how cavalier people are with what they throw away, especially when these goods can be used again by someone else. At this moment in time there must be a glut of bikes available, I constantly see makes of bikes that I've never seen before, at very cheap prices. Most will only be used a couple of times, ending up in the back of the garage, until a clearout a few years down the line. Of course bicycles will have moved on by then, and they will be confined to the scrapheap, what a waste.
I have a shed, too, but it's getting more and more difficult to get into it. Stuff just keeps appearing there and blocking the way in! Yours looks positively civilized by comparison.
The first step to downsizing belongings is admitting you have a problem. Welshcyclist without shame you've shown us the shed chock-a-block with "stuff", I think it's a very brave move! LOL, just kidding.
I'm enjoying the blog with the pictures. It's nice to see Wales again.
We've been downsizing too. We've donate van-loads of clothing and household items this year to the local charities. I always wonder how we accumulate so much. It's really wasteful that we purchase so much only to get rid of it.
Cheers Svenny
Thanks Nick and you Svenny for popping by, it's great to know you have a look at my blog, as I cycle this small corner of Wales. Consumerism, we're supposed to buy our way out of the "credit crunch" that's the way it works, which means accumulating stuff, that we eventually give to charity shops, recycle or just throw away. By the way I wouldn't know where to begin to downsize, I'm quite sure prevarication and paranoia would set in, best let sleeping dogs lie. Since taking up cycling 3 years ago, I don't think I've thrown anything away that I've purchased, broken or worn out. So I've produced a whole lot of stuff just by being involved with this passion of mine, I mean I can't call it a hobby, cycling is much more than that to me, or am I just nuts? The shed will have to be extended.
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