Monday, 25 May 2009

Best week's cycling so far this year, butt also a sad tail...

Managed to notch up over 200 miles this past week, I mean from Sunday 17th, to yesterday Saturday 23rd May. Sunday saw me do a local loop of about 25 miles, Monday the same, and Tuesday 30 or so, I really should write down my daily mileages. Then Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday I did my roundtrip commute of 40 miles. Thus bagging a total for the week of approximately 240 miles.

This is where the but, or should I say butt, as far as this tale, or tail.... oh I can't help it!!..., comes in.

I worked on Sunday, but (butt) couldn't manage to cycle because of saddlesores. Recently I bought some base layer boxer shorts, with the padding, insert thingy, normally I use vaseline in the delicate places, but Thursday I forgot. As a result of the newness of the padding, and the lack of vaseline, I ended up with some chafing, which was sore on the way home that night. I treated said chafing, managed the trip Friday with only some discomfort, but by Saturday night's trip homeward, I was really struggling. So Sunday I had to take the car, discretion being the very best of valour. I've since stayed off the saddle for two days, and am hopefully ready to ride again tomorrow.

A sad tail, I think you'll agree.

Butt! what makes it all the sadder is the fact that the week has been glorious, sun shining, blue skies etc., a complete joy to be out there cycling. Still a valuable lesson learned, which I won't forget, if one isn't comfortable on the bike, it ruins the ride, so I'll make certain, those nether regions are taken care of, in the future.

1 comment:

Doug said...

Funny!!! I mean your wordplay, not the part about your butt.