Sunday, 3 February 2008

What a great commute.

In terms of weather, it was the worst I've had to put up with so far, but as far as enjoyment goes, it was ten out of ten. The forecast was for heavy rain, it held off all day, until that is, just after I'd set off from Neath car park, 100 yards of cycling, and whoosh down it came, and it didn't stop for the whole trip in. I had already decided to go via the canal towpath, so didn't turn back to go on the road route, and I'm glad I didn't.

At times the rain had an almost hail like quality, as it stung my face, I was half expecting it to turn to the snow, the foecasts have been predicting for the last week or so. As I looked up at the hills to my left, it definitely looked like snow, for a while I thought, this as close as I'm ever going to get to the conditions, that Doug in Duluth,Minnesota, and Jill in Juneau, Alaska, have to face. By the way good luck to Doug in his attempt at the Arrowhead Ultra 135 snow bicycle race tomorrow.

I hadn't gone but a couple of miles, when already my feet were soaking, I really must get some overshoes, to keep them dry, mind you these hiking socks are great, even soaked through, they kept my feet warm. The wind was predicted to be 30 mph from the southeast, directly into my face, most of the way in to work, and it was, but I felt fine, my legs were in great form, I have had a rest off the bike now for four days, and I made good time, so good in fact, I took a detour, because I didn't want to get to work too early. As it is, I arrived at 17.00., just right to dry off, change and take up my post.

I set up my clothes to dry, ready for the morning. But getting back to my ride, I only saw three people, along the canal, a lone fisherman, making his way home with his gear, and two dodgy looking fellows, who looked and sounded, when I said hello, Polish. They were wearing extremely dirty clothes, and daps on their feet, no good for this weather, anyway they only grunted something back to me, which sounded foreign.

I had planned to travel from Aberdulais today, the forecast had put me off, so I started from Neath, that's my only regret about today's commute, it would have been great to have those extra couple of miles under my belt, and the added 20 minutes or so, in the saddle would have been very welcome. I'll know better next time, who was it that said, "just do it".

They were and are, oh so right, as I listen to the rain pouring down outside, I can't wait for the trip back in the morning. All the best for now.

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