Wednesday, 9 January 2008

Ignorance was bliss?

Two days since I fitted (with Tierloch's help),my cyclecomputer,my first ride to work on Tuesday,the thing failed to work,because I failed to slide it far enough into the housing bracket,which meant no electrical contact.At work I figured it out,and got it all set for my trip home,by the time I got to Neath,and pack everything on the car,it was too dark to go through the settings and get readings,mainly because I didn't have my spectacles!So I had to wait till I'd driven the rest of the way home.

Once I'd unloaded my bike etc.,I was checking out my figures for my ride,what a disappointment,my route was only 8.1 miles,I thought it was more like 10,my average speed was 11.4 mph,when everyone tells me most people can manage 12mph,the only high spot,I managed a top speed of 24.6 mph.Well anyway I had been believing my performanc was alot better than that,so I was suddenly deflated.Ignorance had indeed been bliss,but now on the positive side,I know what the true facts are,and the only way is up.I've alot to do,because I can now see it quite clearly,that while ignorant of the facts,I was deluding myself,and in fact had settled into a comfort zone,taking it too easy,and no wonder I haven't lost any weight,I've been congratulating myself on my efforts,by eating too much.

Consequently,goals have to be set and aimed for,and that trimming down diet for cyclists has to be adhered to.Also,because of the publicity about brittle bone disease being linked to cycling,I think I should be looking to incorporate some gym work,time is the problem there though.But soldier on I must.

Today I did my commute without too much effort,did average 12mph for both trips,hit a top speed of 18.6 mph,and have now officially completed 24.4 miles commute distance in total.I missed the rain that was about in plenty,and the wind had heavy gusts,with halestones.The traffic was heavy,but I'm learning all the time,never assume a driver is going to do what you'd expect,and leave a generous margin between them and you.Yesterday,I was very pleased with my brakes,which are discs.I was travelling along in a string of traffic,it must have been in the low 20's mph,when suddenly the car in front braked,for no apparent reason that I could see.I believe I had left enough of a gap between us,to cater for such an eventuality,it would not have been, save for my superb brakes.On top of that I was pleased with my technique of braking,or could I be back,once more,in those realms of "ignorance is bliss"?

You see I,in all these 19 months I've been cycling,have had no yardstick to measure my achievements against,that is plainly my fault,because I prefer to cycle alone,and looking at it seriously now,possibly I fear competition and also deep down inside I knew I wasn't that good after all.Things to ponder and hard decisions to be made,but not tonight I'm ready for bed,just one more thing,that carboot sticker,I rattled on about yesterday,perhaps I need a new one for my current predicament,how about,

"Cycling bliss,if it exists,has to be earned and substantiated"

or better still,that is crap

"Truth and bliss make strange bedfellows"

and that's not much better,as it sounds very old fashioned,
anyway,I'm off to make my bed and lie in it......sorry!!!

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